Launching in early 2021, the Youth RASi Network is an exciting new partnership between the Regional Academies of Sport Incorporated (RASi) and Volleyball NSW (VNSW) to support the holistic development of athletes and coaches in the Youth performance pathway. The NCAS program is the state endorsed development program for athletes and coaches on the North Coast who currently are, or who aspire to be identified for, and nominated to, the Phoenix performance programs.
The NCAS program is a key new step in the pathway for ALL athletes and coaches interested in participating in the VNSW Youth Phoenix Program. The objective of the NCAS program is to:
- Provide localised training in alignment with VNSW Phoenix performance priorities, for athletes and coaches across the North Coast (previously delivered only through the centralised State Team program).
- Provide a targeted athlete education program, covering modules such as nutrition, sports psychology, injury prevention and management, and drugs in sport.
- Provide athletes access to strength & conditioning services and education.
- Increase the education level of coaches through the development of a combined coaching cohort, with State-wide content led by VNSW.
- Provide a regional level representative championship opportunity within NSW.
- Provide an opportunity for talent identification throughout NSW and therefore engage with more individuals.
When: 19th January 2025, 10am – 3pm
Where: Sportz Central, Coffs Harbour
For further program information Click Here